ok, i know the holidays have come and gone, but i really want to post this delicious recipe for wheat rolls. they’re really amazing – so amazing that we made them for both thanksgiving and christmas this year (yes, they’re that good!).
since we’ve been back in california, i’ve made dozens and dozens of delicious cookies! but i didn’t get it together to take pics of all of them. so i’m sharing just three cookie recipes (even though lots of the pics were taken with the iPhone, and thus a little blurry): chocolate raspberry tarts, nutella cookies, and soft ginger cookies.
as promised (in my pumpkin pie post), here’s the brand new recipe we used for pecan pie this thanksgiving!
whew, i made it through fall quarter! after writing and writing and writing some more, i’ve finally turned in all of my papers. yay!
ok, so i didn’t take any pictures of this delicious recipe while making it. but it’s my favorite carrot cake recipe EVER. after making it for mike’s bday last weekend, i decided i had to share the recipe, pictures or no. it’s that good. enjoy!