growing up, i can remember the excitement of picking seeds to plant with my parents and then fervently watering, weeding, and harvesting delicious fruits and veggies from our veggie patch in the front yard.
as an adult, i hadn’t taken the same kind of joy from gardening – oh, i’ve puttered around with various indoor and outdoor plants, but they aren’t quite as exciting as seeds because they’re almost fully grown when you buy them. i’ve also confined myself to potted plants (except for at fairway, where we had lots of front yard space/dirt that looked incredibly barren), figuring that the pots can move with us until we have a more permanent home. this spring, however, jen gave me a sassy salad seed mix (that’s the real title!) and i got excited about the idea of growing something from seed. i went to the garden company to get some planting troughs and was inspired to buy some basil, sugar snap peas, and various wildflowers as well. 3 weeks later, we have some great results, and i’ve become pretty enthusiastic about the little seedlings, raving over their growth to the point where even mike seems to be kind of interested in how the little guys (or girls) are doing.
i thought i’d share the progress with you to inspire you to plant your own garden (if you haven’t already and have the space and time, of course). you may notice an utter lack of sassy salad mix – this is because i am testing the peas outside to see if we have foliage-nibbling deer before sowing the precious sassy seeds.
the basil seedlings (which need to grow for 6-8 weeks indoors):

snap peas:

and lupine:

ok, so that’s it for the seeds that have sprouted so far, but after all this progress i got excited and went out and bought red poppies and california poppies and sweet pea flower seeds to plant in the little drainage problem behind our patio – might as well use the wasted water to grow some plants!

can’t you just imagine all the gorgeous flowers that are going to pop up here?!?!

so it seems as though spring has officially sprung around western drive. i hope that you’re all enjoying the weather and the change in season wherever you are and that you get out there and plant something soon!