
so i’ve already posted two delicious stove-top brussels sprouts recipes: one with cranberries and walnuts, and another with shallots and a dijon sauce.

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this is a recipe that i’ve been meaning to share with you forever. but until this weekend, i had never taken pictures of the process. can you believe it?!?

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you guys, we’re going through a cold weather spell up here in seattle. and it’s making me want to curl up under a blanket, read, and only leave the coziness of my sofa to eat a steaming bowl of soup.

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i’m not one for new year’s resolutions, because i tend to be overzealous with resolutions, then end up breaking them, and then get discouraged. so i haven’t decided to completely cut out dairy or fats or sugar or gluten or any of that stuff for the new year. but i am naturally gravitating towards more fruits and vegetables, less heavy and processed food, and have been hauling myself out of bed early on saturday mornings to hop in the pool.

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