the long awaited part two is finally here. (i apologize again for the delay, life gets so busy!)
so, to catch you up to speed from part 1, i have a long and varied history with exercise. i primarily consider myself a swimmer, but i have been running for several years, mostly because mike likes to run and if i consent to run with him, he’ll swim with me.
i have always felt uncoordinated while running, and i get frustrated because i often have trouble setting a pace and catching my breath. it’s very easy for me just to give up and walk because really, who cares? who (besides mike) will notice if i’m a slacker on the treadmill? well, my friends, now the nike + will notice!
mike surprised me with this gift for christmas. it’s a two part gadget – one piece fits into an ipod nano and one piece fits into a nike shoe that is specially designed to hold it. when i saw the nike+ for the first time at the apple store in los gatos in early december, i wrote off the idea of ever being able to use it because nike shoes do not fit my flat and narrow feet very well. luckily, being married to mike means that there is always someone who will incessantly search the interwebs for frugal and reliable solutions for all gadget/electronic needs. he found an awesome sensor holder that fits onto the laces of any shoe, so i have one on my running shoes and one on my walking shoes that live at work.

when you’re about to begin your walk or run, you simply select the nike+ menu option on your nano, choose a time or distance goal and a playlist and go! the nike+ works like an advanced pedometer – it tracks your exercise time and distance. it also gives you a verbal time alert, like: “5 minutes complete” and “halfway done” and, in the last five minutes: “five minutes left” and “four minutes left” etc, etc. at the end of the workout, it will tell you how far you went, how much time you spent, average speed, and then if you did really well, it will tell you that your workout was a personal best. (the personal best messages are voiced by famous athletes like lance armstrong!)
when you plug your ipod into your computer to sync it, you are directed to the nike+ website, where you can view a visual of your run:

you can compare specific runs to your personal best run:

and, you can look back at all your previous runs or walks:

by registering with nike+, i also received some free treadmill playlists that coach you through interval running on a treadmill. i use intervals for motivation often while swimming, but had never thought to apply them to running.
with the combination of graphical outputs of each run, statistical analysis and comparison of different runs (i love stats!), time coaching/count downs, free playlists, and the possibility of lance armstrong congratulating me, i have had a major running breakthrough. i now find myself looking forward to the treadmill instead of bargaining with myself to just run 30 seconds more or trying to get out of going to the gym altogether. thanks, mike, apple and nike!!